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08 Maret 2012

Blank Page WHMCS (ioncube Loader Tidak Terinstall)

Halaman WHMCS blank pada saat dibuka atau blank pada saat melakukan proses instalasi dikarenakan beberapa faktor penyebab berikut:

  1. templates_c tidak writable (777)

  2. curl disabled

  3. ioncube tidak terinstall

Namun artikel kali ini mencoba solved problem Blank Page WHMCS dikarenakan faktor penyebab yang ketiga (ioncube tidak terinstall). Berikut panduan install ioncube:

  1. Download Ioncube Loader (http://downloads2.ioncube.com/loader_downloads/ioncube_loaders_lin_x86.tar.gz).

  2. Extract. Kemudian upload "loader-wizard.php" ke web server.

  3. Buka path url 'loader-wizard.php' pada halaman web browser. Ikuti petunjuk yang diberikan, jika tidak ada pesan error yang ditampilkan, maka ioncube loader sudah terinstall dengan benar.

NB: Disabled SELinux dengan cara mengetikkan command line berikut pada jendela shell

[bash collapse="false"]
[root@localhost ~]# setenforce 0
setenforce: SELinux is disabled
[root@localhost ~]#

Restart server

Jika ingin install ioncube loader dengan SELinux enabled, ikuti petunjuk installnya pada link di bawah ini:

07 Maret 2012

Install Account DNS Check WHM Plugin

Account DNS Check merupakan salah satu plugin cPanel WHM Gratis yang berfungsi untuk memeriksa/cek resolve tidaknya DNS (IP) domain account client yang terdaftar pada server dengan setting DNS pada domain panel manager. Dengan menggunakan plugin ini, anda dapat menghemat waktu untuk cek daftar account yang resolve atau tidak ke IP Server.

Install Plugin Account DNS Check pada WHM menggunakan command berikut:

cd /home
rm -f latest-accountdnscheck
wget http://www.ndchost.com/cpanel-whm/plugins/accountdnscheck/download.php
sh latest-accountdnscheck

[bash collapse="false"]
root@server5 [~]# cd /home
root@server5 [/home]# rm -f latest-accountdnscheck
root@server5 [/home]# wget http://www.ndchost.com/cpanel-whm/plugins/accountdnscheck/download.php
--2012-05-28 21:54:24-- http://www.ndchost.com/cpanel-whm/plugins/accountdnscheck/download.php
Resolving www.ndchost.com...
Connecting to www.ndchost.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 302 Moved Temporarily
Location: http://download.ndchost.com/accountdnscheck/latest-accountdnscheck [following]
--2012-05-28 21:54:26-- http://download.ndchost.com/accountdnscheck/latest-accountdnscheck
Resolving download.ndchost.com...
Connecting to download.ndchost.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 14414 (14K) [text/plain]
Saving to: âlatest-accountdnscheckâ

100%[======================================>] 14,414 19.6K/s in 0.7s

2012-05-28 21:54:27 (19.6 KB/s) - âlatest-accountdnscheckâ

root@server5 [/home]#

[bash collapse="false"]
root@server5 [/home]# sh latest-accountdnscheck
Creating directory installd-accountdnscheck
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing cPanel/WHM Account DNS Check Plugin by NDCHost.com...........
/bin/mkdir: created directory `/var/cpanel/accountdnscheck'
/bin/mkdir: created directory `/var/cpanel/accountdnscheck/scripts'
/bin/mkdir: created directory `/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/accountdnscheck'
`web/addon_acountdnscheck.cgi' -> `/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/accountdnscheck/addon_acountdnscheck.cgi'
`web/index.php' -> `/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/accountdnscheck/index.php'
`scripts/cli_run.sh' -> `/var/cpanel/accountdnscheck/scripts/cli_run.sh'
`scripts/uninstall' -> `/var/cpanel/accountdnscheck/scripts/uninstall'
`accountdnscheck.class.php' -> `/var/cpanel/accountdnscheck/accountdnscheck.class.php'
`version' -> `/var/cpanel/accountdnscheck/version'
`changelog' -> `/var/cpanel/accountdnscheck/changelog'
`/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/accountdnscheck/addon_acountdnscheck.cgi' -> `/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/addon_acountdnscheck.cgi'
root@server5 [/home]#

Login pada halaman WHM (root akses), klik pada Plugin Account DNS Check. Lama tidaknya hasil sortir (output) list account tergantung pada banyaknya domain yang terdaftar di server, kecepatan koneksi server, banyaknya domain yang tidak resolve, dan faktor penentu lainnya.

[caption id="attachment_1233" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Account DNS Check WHM Plugin"]Account DNS Check WHM Plugin[/caption]

Plugin ini juga dapat dijalankan langsung dengan cara menggunakan command line.


root@server5 [/home]# /var/cpanel/accountdnscheck/scripts/cli_run.sh
Version: 8 written by NDCHost.com

Account DNS Check

Checking Domains HTTP/1.0 200 OK Connection: close Server:
whostmgr/ Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8
cPanel & WHM FAQ Support Forums WHM Documentation cPanel Documentation
Contact cPanel

Main >> Cluster/Remote Access >> Setup Remote Access Key

Setup Remote Access Key

Remote access keys allow you to log into your server without using a
password. You can use a remote access key (or access hash) to
authenticate with WHMâs remote API or DNS clustering features. If you
are using a remote billing solution, you will probably need to set up a
remote access key on all your cPanel and WHM servers. Read our
documentation for specific information about how to use remote access

Access key for user ârootâ

You may generate a new access key here. Note that generating a new
remote access key will invalidate any existing remote access key. If
you generate a new key, systems using the existing key will no longer
be able to connect.
(Submit) Generate New Key

. Completed

Resolved to correct IP

Resolved to wrong IP

ngetest.com [ ]

This script was written by NDCHost.com

a58a6f37ff9a28a6cbe0bed7dc38b95c aac98e08xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc1c7cced
baf2039a15bcca9090253c9844a93862 05f10b1fdfa23939f61b6bb3bb365cdd
0927ab7988bc21fb921247fab5faf4e3 102d6d530b7d795f23b2712923205069
3d1e25c01e412235609c60ce12bc48b5 2cd2axxxxxx10d097c247d8a64fb7aee
16e1f3d548exxxxxddf5faacf69687d2 e71837168a5fffd5e2b2e03440f7e320
50dc90ff1dba5076113907f36f7c17e4 cc06c409f21070fe8f593d6f0def5348
4689f822afe181e10ab868c3ae0e91b0 514638b3ecf6272f1233e48473059251
42ec7xxxxx308a590c756fb5becb9fa3 bd82cfe1957ba378431f9cfba588e494
68f97f54562c4d673684226c8a59a47e f39e9xxxxx77e23dd706b1f301872cb0
9e4ae2fb7475xxxxxxxxx6899868408d 6bd58ce36504e11d521688d3420568ea
fb7785e204207212df83204502c0229a 99af9efxxxxxxxx55e9a261de6b07c27
63d53d14505ffe986e8066fdec73eaca fae5546fdd018c0fb11541eabf952fbc
525525607021862394886ab787bb52e6 a6cc4b624908xxxxxxxxx2b38b830aa6
a7dbe640xxxxxxxxxxxxb0946611bcae 82d985aa45302b1681257283790410bb
root@server5 [/home]#

Visit Publisher Script

Install GD Image Support For PHP Pada cPanel/WHM Server

PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor) tidak hanya terbatas untuk membuat output dokumen HTML saja, namun juga bisa digunakan untuk membuat dan memanipulasi file-file gambar dalam variasi format yang berbeda (GIF, PNG, JPEG, WBMP, dan XPM). Dengan kata lain, PHP dapat membuat output stream gambar langsung ke browser.

Untuk dapat mengaktifkan fungsi ini, diperlukan compile "GD Image Support For PHP". Berikut tutorial singkat install 'GD Image Support For PHP' pada cPanel/WHM Server:

» WHM » Software » EasyApache (Apache Update)

[caption id="attachment_1235" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="EasyApache: Image Manipulation"]GD Image Support For PHP cPanel/WHM[/caption]

» Klik 'PHP Encryption and Image Manipulation [More Info]'

» Klik tombol 'Build Profile Now'

[caption id="attachment_1237" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="EasyApache: Image Manipulation 2"]GD Image Support For PHP cPanel/WHM2[/caption]

» Kotak dialog konfirmasi 'Recompile Apache and PHP now?' → klik tombol Yes

[caption id="attachment_1238" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="EasyApache: Image Manipulation 3"]GD Image Support For PHP cPanel WHM3[/caption]

» Please acknowledge 'Termination of the build process will result in data loss! The build process is...' → klik tombol I Understand

[caption id="attachment_1239" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="EasyApache: Image Manipulation 4"]GD Image Support For PHP cPanel/WHM4[/caption]

» Tunggu beberapa menit sampai proses build selesai (lama tidaknya tergantung pada spesifikasi mesin server).

[caption id="attachment_1240" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="EasyApache: Image Manipulation 5"]GD Image Support For PHP cPanel/WHM5[/caption]

» Configure PHP and SuExec, biarkan default (tidak usah diedit / optional). Klik tombol Close

[caption id="attachment_1241" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="EasyApache: Image Manipulation 6"]GD Image Support For PHP cPanel/WHM6[/caption]

Untuk cek apakah GD Image Support For PHP sudah terinstall (gd baris ke-13), cek via putty dan jalankan command berikut.

php -m

[bash highlight="13"]
root@server5 [~]# php -m
[PHP Modules]

[Zend Modules]

root@server5 [~]#


Referensi manual Image Processing and GD:
06 Maret 2012

Install Softaculous Plugin cPanel/WHM

Softaculous Auto Installer sama fungsinya dengan plugin cPanel/WHM sebelumnya (Fantastico Auto Installer). Berikut cara install Softaculous pada cPanel/WHM Server:


cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
wget -N http://www.softaculous.com/ins/addon_softaculous.php
chmod 755 addon_softaculous.php

[bash collapse="false"]
root@server5 [~]# cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
root@server5 [/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi]# wget -N http://www.softaculous.com/ins/addon_softaculous.php
--2012-05-28 23:59:23-- http://www.softaculous.com/ins/addon_softaculous.php
Resolving www.softaculous.com...
Connecting to www.softaculous.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: âaddon_softaculous.phpâ

[ <=> ] 16,352 25.3K/s in 0.6s

Last-modified header missing -- time-stamps turned off.
2012-05-28 23:59:24 (25.3 KB/s) - âaddon_softaculous.phpâ

root@server5 [/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi]# chmod 755 addon_softaculous.php
root@server5 [/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi]#

Login pada "WHM" & klik plugin "Softaculous - Instant Installs".

[caption id="attachment_1243" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Softaculous WHM Plugin"]Softaculous WHM Plugin[/caption][caption id="attachment_1267" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Softaculous WHM Plugin 2"]Install Softaculous WHM Plugin[/caption]

Jika muncul pesan error:


Site error: the file /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/softaculous/enduser/main/functions.php requires the ionCube PHP Loader ioncube_loader_lin_5.2.so to be installed by the site administrator.


  1. "WHM" → klik"Server Configuration""Tweak Setting"
  2. Di bawah tab "PHP", klik "** cPanel PHP loader [?]".
  3. "Use oldsourceguardian for version 1.x and 2.x." pilih "ioncube".


Setiap login cPanel atau WHM harus menggunakan SSL, cara mengatasinya:

  1. "WHM" → klik "Server Configuration → "Tweak Setting".
  2. Di bawah tab "Security", "Require SSL [?]" set ke "Off".

05 Maret 2012

Install Fantastico Autoinstaller WHM Plugin

Berikut cara install Fantastico Auto Installer pada cPanel server. Login ke SSH Server dan jalankan command berikut ini pada jendela shell.


cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
wget -N http://files.betaservant.com/files/free/fantastico_whm_admin.tgz
tar -xzpf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz
rm -rf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz

[bash collapse="false"]
root@server5 [~]# cd /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi
root@server5 [/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi]# wget -N http://files.betaservant.com/files/free/fantastico_whm_admin.tgz
--2012-05-29 00:37:13-- http://files.betaservant.com/files/free/fantastico_whm_admin.tgz
Resolving files.betaservant.com...
Connecting to files.betaservant.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 196007 (191K) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: âfantastico_whm_admin.tgzâ

100%[======================================>] 196,007 71.4K/s in 2.7s

2012-05-29 00:37:16 (71.4 KB/s) - âfantastico_whm_admin.tgzâ

root@server5 [/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi]# tar -xzpf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz
root@server5 [/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi]# rm -rf fantastico_whm_admin.tgz
root@server5 [/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi]#

Login ke WHM → Plugins → Fantastico De Luxe WHM Admin → jika plugin fantastico fresh install (pertama kali di install), klik link 'Click here'. Jika sebelumnya sudah terinstall, Fantastico De Luxe WHM Admin akant otomatis update file. Semua admin file (masterfiles, tarballs, setting dlsb) akan dipindah atau dibuat pada direktori "/var/netenberg".

[caption id="attachment_1246" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Fantastico Deluxe WHM Plugin"]Fantastico Deluxe WHM Plugin[/caption]

Jika anda menerima pesan error ("Source Guardian Error") ketika klik pada menu plugin "Fantastico De Luxe WHM Admin", jalankan command berikut ini pada shell:

chmod -R 0755 /usr/local/cpanel/3rdparty/etc/ixed


Install, Uninstall & Reinstall Zamfoo Hosting Reseller WHM Plugin

Zamfoo merupakan salah satu plugin WHM yang memberi kemudahan untuk membuat dan mengelola akun Reseller, Master Reseller, Alpha Reseller dan Super Alpha Reseller. Untuk install zamfoo cPanel/WHM plugin ini anda sebelumnya harus sudah mempunyai (membeli) license key yang dapat anda peroleh pada halaman ini. Atau bisa juga coba versi trial license (6 akun Alpha atau Master Reseller selama 2 bulan).

Untuk mulai install, anda terlebih dahulu harus sudah login ke SSH server. Setelah itu ketikkan command berikut:

Install Zamfoo Pada cPanel

cd /
wget http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/zamfoo_installer.tar
tar -xvf zamfoo_installer.tar
chmod 755 runme.cgi

[bash collapse="false"]
root@server5 [~]# cd /
root@server5 [/]# wget http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/zamfoo_installer.tar
--2012-05-29 01:13:59-- http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/zamfoo_installer.tar
Resolving www.zamfoo.com...
Connecting to www.zamfoo.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10240 (10K) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: âzamfoo_installer.tarâ

100%[======================================>] 10,240 --.-K/s in 0.04s

2012-05-29 01:14:00 (255 KB/s) - âzamfoo_installer.tarâ

root@server5 [/]# tar -xvf zamfoo_installer.tar
root@server5 [/]# chmod 755 runme.cgi

[bash highlight="69"]
root@server5 [/]# ./runme.cgi
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1

starting script
perl version: v5.8.8
Perl Full Version: 5.8.8
Perl Major Version: 5
Perl Minor Version: 8
Perl Sub Version: 8
Architecture version: x86_64-linux
Root access hash exists....doing nothing
compile result: 0
archtype: x86_64-linux
--2012-05-29 01:14:33-- http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/perl5.8/zamfoo/x86_64-linux/zamfoo_reseller.tar
Resolving www.zamfoo.com...
Connecting to www.zamfoo.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 23101440 (22M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: âzamfoo_reseller.tarâ

100%[======================================>] 23,101,440 140K/s in 3m 37s

2012-05-29 01:18:11 (104 KB/s) - âzamfoo_reseller.tarâ

Obtaining files: wget "http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/perl5.8/zamfoo/x86_64-linux/zamfoo_reseller.tar"mkdir: cannot create directory `/zamfoo_reseller': File exists

Downloading: Done

Unpacking: Done
root access hash exists....doing nothing
cp: omitting directory `/zamfoo_reseller/zamfoo'
cp: omitting directory `/zamfoo_reseller/magicwand/backupdnszones'
cp: omitting directory `/zamfoo_reseller/b9/configfiles/modsec_rules'
cp: omitting directory `/zamfoo_reseller/whmcs/whmcs'
mv: cannot stat `/scripts/postwwwacct': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `/scripts/prekillacct': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access `/zamfoo_reseller/zamfoo_uninstall_everything.cgi': No such file or directory
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/settings_autogrant /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/settings_logins /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/settings_defaultacl /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /home/root/.zamfoo/settings_acl /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/ip_nameservers /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/accounts* /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/autogrant* /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
chown root:root /home/ngetest/.zamfoo

Disregard Installation Errors
Installation Complete
GNU nano 2.0.9 File: .../cgi/zamfoo/zamfoo_reseller_license_key.php

//Replace the words Enter License Key Here with
//your license key on LINE 15 below

//SOME....NOT ALL Correct EXAMPLES are Provided:
// $l1cense="Trial-e430e667d5e4";
// $l1cense="Monthly-e430e667d5e4";
// $l1cense="Free-e430e667d5e4";
// $l1cense="MasterOnly-e430e667d5e4";

//Then hit 'control' key and the letter 'o' key at the same time(not number 0 k$
//Then hit the 'enter' key to save the file
//Then hit 'control' key and the letter 'x' key at the same time to exit

$license="Enter License Key Here";


[ Wrote 17 lines ]
^G Get Help ^O WriteOut ^R Read File ^Y Prev Page ^K Cut Text ^C Cur Pos
^X Exit ^J Justify ^W Where Is ^V Next Page ^U UnCut Text^T To Spell

Untuk update lisensi zamfoo (dari trial ke versi bayar atau install trial license), edit file "zamfoo_reseller_license_key.php", atau submit license key pada proses instalasi (lihat baris ke-69 pada code di atas → $license="Enter License Key Here";):

nano /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/zamfoo/zamfoo_reseller_license_key.php
// atau
vi /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/zamfoo/zamfoo_reseller_license_key.php

[caption id="attachment_1250" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Zamfoo Reseller WHM Plugin"]Zamfoo Reseller WHM Plugin[/caption]

Untuk ReInstall Zamfoo, ketikkan command berikut:

[bash collapse="false"]
[root@server ~]# cd /
[root@server /]# wget http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/zamfoo_reinstaller.tar
[root@server /]# tar -xvf zamfoo_reinstaller.tar
[root@server /]# chmod 755 reinstall.cgi
[root@server /]# ./reinstall.cgi

Reinstall Zamfoo tidak menghapus data-data client reseller yang sudah ada, melainkan hanya update file script zamfoo pada server.

Uninstall Zamfoo.
Sebelum melakukan proses uninstall dianjurkan anda membuat backup file data client terlebih dahulu, karena uninstall ini akan menghapus semua file script dan file data zamfoo pada server.

Untuk uninstall Zamfoo, ketikkan command berikut:

[bash collapse="false"]
[root@server ~]# cd /
[root@server /]# wget wget http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/zamfoo_uninstaller.tar
[root@server /]# tar -xvf zamfoo_uninstaller.tar
[root@server /]# chmod 755 uninstall.cgi
[root@server /]# ./uninstall.cgi


  1. http://www.zamfoo.com/control2/kb/index.php?task=article&article_id=1

04 Maret 2012

Install Ruby On Rails & Ruby Gems Pada cPanel

Berikut cara Install Ruby On Rails & Ruby Gems pada cPanel server. Login SSH Server & ketikkan command berikut:


root@server5 [~]# /scripts/installruby
gcc -I. -I../.. -I../../. -I../.././ext/zlib -DHAVE_ZLIB_H -DOS_CODE=OS_UNIX -fPIC -g -O2 -fPIC -c zlib.c
gcc -shared -o ../../.ext/x86_64-linux/zlib.so zlib.o -L. -L../.. -L. -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic -Wl,-R -Wl,/usr/lib -L/usr/lib -lruby -lz -lrt -ldl -lcrypt -lm -lc
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/librt.so when searching for -lrt
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libdl.so when searching for -ldl
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libcrypt.so when searching for -lcrypt
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libm.so when searching for -lm
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libc.so when searching for -lc
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libc.so when searching for -lc
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cprubybuild/ruby-1.8.7-p334/ext/zlib'
making ruby
gmake[1]: Entering directory `/home/cprubybuild/ruby-1.8.7-p334'
gcc -g -O2 -fPIC -DRUBY_EXPORT -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -L. -rdynamic -Wl,-export-dynamic main.o -Wl,-R -Wl,/usr/lib -L/usr/lib -lruby -lrt -ldl -lcrypt -lm -o ruby
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/librt.so when searching for -lrt
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libdl.so when searching for -ldl
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libcrypt.so when searching for -lcrypt
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libm.so when searching for -lm
/usr/bin/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/lib/libc.so when searching for -lc
gmake[1]: Leaving directory `/home/cprubybuild/ruby-1.8.7-p334'
./miniruby -I./lib -I.ext/common -I./- -r./ext/purelib.rb ./instruby.rb --make="gmake" --dest-dir="" --extout=".ext" --mflags="" --make-flags="" --data-mode=0644 --prog-mode=0755 --installed-list .installed.list --mantype="doc"
installing binary commands
installing command scripts
installing library scripts
installing headers
installing manpages
installing extension objects
installing extension scripts
Removing source directory /home/cprubybuild
Installing rubygems version: 1.3.7
Using Dir: /home/cprubygemsbuild/rubygems-1.3.7
Setting up rubygems ...
RubyGems 1.3.7 installed

=== 1.3.7 / 2010-05-13


http://rubygems.org is now the default source for downloading gems.

You may have sources set via ~/.gemrc, so you should replace
http://gems.rubyforge.org with http://rubygems.org

http://gems.rubyforge.org will continue to work for the forseeable future.

New features:

* `gem` commands
* `gem install` and `gem fetch` now report alternate platforms when a
matching one couldn't be found.
* `gem contents` --prefix is now the default as specified in --help. Bug
#27211 by Mamoru Tasaka.
* `gem fetch` can fetch of old versions again. Bug #27960 by Eric Hankins.
* `gem query` and friends output now lists platforms. Bug #27856 by Greg
* `gem server` now allows specification of multiple gem dirs for
documentation. Bug #27573 by Yuki Sonoda.
* `gem unpack` can unpack gems again. Bug #27872 by Timothy Jones.
* `gem unpack` now unpacks remote gems.
* --user-install is no longer the default. If you really liked it, see
Gem::ConfigFile to learn how to set it by default. (This change was made
in 1.3.6)
* RubyGems now has platform support for IronRuby. Patch #27951 by Will Green.

Bug fixes:

* Require rubygems/custom_require if --disable-gem was set. Bug #27700 by
Roger Pack.
* RubyGems now protects against exceptions being raised by plugins.
* rubygems/builder now requires user_interaction. Ruby Bug #1040 by Phillip
* Gem::Dependency support #version_requirements= with a warning. Fix for old
Rails versions. Bug #27868 by Wei Jen Lu.
* Gem::PackageTask depends on the package dir like the other rake package
tasks so dependencies can be hooked up correctly.


RubyGems installed the following executables:

Removing source directory /home/cprubygemsbuild
gem system update ...
Updating RubyGems
Updating rubygems-update
Successfully installed rubygems-update-1.8.24
Updating RubyGems to 1.8.24
Installing RubyGems 1.8.24
RubyGems 1.8.24 installed

== 1.8.24 / 2012-04-27

* 1 bug fix:

* Install the .pem files properly. Fixes #320
* Remove OpenSSL dependency from the http code path


RubyGems installed the following executables:

gem system update complete.

Installing rails...

Fetching: rake- (100%)
Fetching: activesupport-2.3.14.gem (100%)
Fetching: activerecord-2.3.14.gem (100%)
Fetching: rack-1.1.3.gem (100%)
Fetching: actionpack-2.3.14.gem (100%)
Fetching: actionmailer-2.3.14.gem (100%)
Fetching: activeresource-2.3.14.gem (100%)
Fetching: rails-2.3.14.gem (100%)
Successfully installed rake-
Successfully installed activesupport-2.3.14
Successfully installed activerecord-2.3.14
Successfully installed rack-1.1.3
Successfully installed actionpack-2.3.14
Successfully installed actionmailer-2.3.14
Successfully installed activeresource-2.3.14
Successfully installed rails-2.3.14
8 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for rake-
Installing ri documentation for activesupport-2.3.14...
Installing ri documentation for activerecord-2.3.14...
Installing ri documentation for rack-1.1.3...
Installing ri documentation for actionpack-2.3.14...
Installing ri documentation for actionmailer-2.3.14...
Installing ri documentation for activeresource-2.3.14...
Installing ri documentation for rails-2.3.14...
Installing RDoc documentation for rake-
Installing RDoc documentation for activesupport-2.3.14...
Installing RDoc documentation for activerecord-2.3.14...
Installing RDoc documentation for rack-1.1.3...
Installing RDoc documentation for actionpack-2.3.14...
Installing RDoc documentation for actionmailer-2.3.14...
Installing RDoc documentation for activeresource-2.3.14...
Installing RDoc documentation for rails-2.3.14...
Fetching: gem_plugin-0.2.3.gem (100%)
Fetching: daemons-1.1.8.gem (100%)
Fetching: fastthread-1.0.7.gem (100%)
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Fetching: cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.5.0.gem (100%)
Fetching: mongrel-1.1.5.gem (100%)
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed gem_plugin-0.2.3
Successfully installed daemons-1.1.8
Successfully installed fastthread-1.0.7
Successfully installed cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.5.0
Successfully installed mongrel-1.1.5
Fetching: sqlite3-1.3.6.gem (100%)
Building native extensions. This could take a while...
Successfully installed sqlite3-1.3.6
6 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for gem_plugin-0.2.3...
Installing ri documentation for daemons-1.1.8...
Installing ri documentation for fastthread-1.0.7...

No definition for dummy_dump

No definition for dummy_dump

No definition for rb_queue_marshal_load

No definition for rb_queue_marshal_dump

No definition for dummy_dump

No definition for dummy_dump

No definition for rb_queue_marshal_load

No definition for rb_queue_marshal_dump
Installing ri documentation for cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.5.0...
Installing ri documentation for mongrel-1.1.5...
Installing ri documentation for sqlite3-1.3.6...

No definition for libversion

Enclosing class/module 'mSqlite3' for class Statement not known
Installing RDoc documentation for gem_plugin-0.2.3...
Installing RDoc documentation for daemons-1.1.8...
Installing RDoc documentation for fastthread-1.0.7...

No definition for dummy_dump

No definition for dummy_dump

No definition for rb_queue_marshal_load

No definition for rb_queue_marshal_dump

No definition for dummy_dump

No definition for dummy_dump

No definition for rb_queue_marshal_load

No definition for rb_queue_marshal_dump
Installing RDoc documentation for cgi_multipart_eof_fix-2.5.0...
Installing RDoc documentation for mongrel-1.1.5...
Installing RDoc documentation for sqlite3-1.3.6...

No definition for libversion

Enclosing class/module 'mSqlite3' for class Statement not known
Ruby - & - Rails Installed
Configuring perl magic....Off
Configuring php-pear magic....Off
Configuring ruby magic....Off
Configuring php-pecl magic....Off
patching file /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/mongrel-1.1.5/lib/mongrel/cgi.rb
Mongrel update to 1.1.5cp1
root@server5 [~]#

Untuk memastikan Ruby sudah terinstall, cek versi Ruby & Gems dengan mengetikkan command berikut:

ruby -v
gem -v

[bash collapse="false"]
root@server5 [~]# ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7 (2011-02-18 patchlevel 334) [x86_64-linux]
root@server5 [~]# gem -v
root@server5 [~]#

[caption id="attachment_1256" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Ruby On Rails & Gems"]Install Ruby On Rails & Gems Pada cPanel[/caption][caption id="attachment_1254" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Ruby On Rails & Gems 2"]Install Ruby On Rails & Gems Pada cPanel 2[/caption]

Anda juga dapat install gems tambahan dengan mengetikkan command "gem install nama gem". Contoh:

gem install nokogiri

Jika gagal, coba download gems di halaman http://rubygems.org/gems/

Referensi: http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/AllDocumentation/RubyonRails/InstallingRuby
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