Untuk mulai install, anda terlebih dahulu harus sudah login ke SSH server. Setelah itu ketikkan command berikut:
Install Zamfoo Pada cPanel
cd /
wget http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/zamfoo_installer.tar
tar -xvf zamfoo_installer.tar
chmod 755 runme.cgi
[bash collapse="false"]
root@server5 [~]# cd /
root@server5 [/]# wget http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/zamfoo_installer.tar
--2012-05-29 01:13:59-- http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/zamfoo_installer.tar
Resolving www.zamfoo.com...
Connecting to www.zamfoo.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 10240 (10K) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: âzamfoo_installer.tarâ
100%[======================================>] 10,240 --.-K/s in 0.04s
2012-05-29 01:14:00 (255 KB/s) - âzamfoo_installer.tarâ
root@server5 [/]# tar -xvf zamfoo_installer.tar
root@server5 [/]# chmod 755 runme.cgi
[bash highlight="69"]
root@server5 [/]# ./runme.cgi
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
starting script
perl version: v5.8.8
Perl Full Version: 5.8.8
Perl Major Version: 5
Perl Minor Version: 8
Perl Sub Version: 8
Architecture version: x86_64-linux
Root access hash exists....doing nothing
compile result: 0
archtype: x86_64-linux
--2012-05-29 01:14:33-- http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/perl5.8/zamfoo/x86_64-linux/zamfoo_reseller.tar
Resolving www.zamfoo.com...
Connecting to www.zamfoo.com||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 23101440 (22M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: âzamfoo_reseller.tarâ
100%[======================================>] 23,101,440 140K/s in 3m 37s
2012-05-29 01:18:11 (104 KB/s) - âzamfoo_reseller.tarâ
Obtaining files: wget "http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/perl5.8/zamfoo/x86_64-linux/zamfoo_reseller.tar"mkdir: cannot create directory `/zamfoo_reseller': File exists
Downloading: Done
Unpacking: Done
root access hash exists....doing nothing
cp: omitting directory `/zamfoo_reseller/zamfoo'
cp: omitting directory `/zamfoo_reseller/magicwand/backupdnszones'
cp: omitting directory `/zamfoo_reseller/b9/configfiles/modsec_rules'
cp: omitting directory `/zamfoo_reseller/whmcs/whmcs'
mv: cannot stat `/scripts/postwwwacct': No such file or directory
mv: cannot stat `/scripts/prekillacct': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access `/zamfoo_reseller/zamfoo_uninstall_everything.cgi': No such file or directory
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/settings_autogrant /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/settings_logins /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/settings_defaultacl /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /home/root/.zamfoo/settings_acl /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/ip_nameservers /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/accounts* /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
cp -rf /root/cpanel3-skel/.zamfoo/autogrant* /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
chown root:root /home/ngetest/.zamfoo
Disregard Installation Errors
Installation Complete
GNU nano 2.0.9 File: .../cgi/zamfoo/zamfoo_reseller_license_key.php
//Replace the words Enter License Key Here with
//your license key on LINE 15 below
//SOME....NOT ALL Correct EXAMPLES are Provided:
// $l1cense="Trial-e430e667d5e4";
// $l1cense="Monthly-e430e667d5e4";
// $l1cense="Free-e430e667d5e4";
// $l1cense="MasterOnly-e430e667d5e4";
//Then hit 'control' key and the letter 'o' key at the same time(not number 0 k$
//Then hit the 'enter' key to save the file
//Then hit 'control' key and the letter 'x' key at the same time to exit
$license="Enter License Key Here";
[ Wrote 17 lines ]
^G Get Help ^O WriteOut ^R Read File ^Y Prev Page ^K Cut Text ^C Cur Pos
^X Exit ^J Justify ^W Where Is ^V Next Page ^U UnCut Text^T To Spell
Untuk update lisensi zamfoo (dari trial ke versi bayar atau install trial license), edit file "zamfoo_reseller_license_key.php", atau submit license key pada proses instalasi (lihat baris ke-69 pada code di atas → $license="Enter License Key Here";):
nano /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/zamfoo/zamfoo_reseller_license_key.php
// atau
vi /usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi/zamfoo/zamfoo_reseller_license_key.php
[caption id="attachment_1250" align="alignnone" width="150" caption="Zamfoo Reseller WHM Plugin"]
Untuk ReInstall Zamfoo, ketikkan command berikut:
[bash collapse="false"]
[root@server ~]# cd /
[root@server /]# wget http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/zamfoo_reinstaller.tar
[root@server /]# tar -xvf zamfoo_reinstaller.tar
[root@server /]# chmod 755 reinstall.cgi
[root@server /]# ./reinstall.cgi
Reinstall Zamfoo tidak menghapus data-data client reseller yang sudah ada, melainkan hanya update file script zamfoo pada server.
Uninstall Zamfoo.
Sebelum melakukan proses uninstall dianjurkan anda membuat backup file data client terlebih dahulu, karena uninstall ini akan menghapus semua file script dan file data zamfoo pada server.
Untuk uninstall Zamfoo, ketikkan command berikut:
[bash collapse="false"]
[root@server ~]# cd /
[root@server /]# wget wget http://www.zamfoo.com/downloads/zamfoo_uninstaller.tar
[root@server /]# tar -xvf zamfoo_uninstaller.tar
[root@server /]# chmod 755 uninstall.cgi
[root@server /]# ./uninstall.cgi
At first thank your this nice and helpful article. I am tired to searching this uninstalling process last 2 hours. ZamFoo main site is down still now. Here is my site address- HosT HuB